Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Gratitude List 1/12/05

I'm grateful for

1. looking forward to go to my home town in Batangas on March to celebrate the 2nd birthday of my daugther Farrah and show my 2 kids to my mother for the first time. I'm sure she's gonna shout for joy and teary eyes when she saw her grandkids.
2. my daughter who already recovered from fever.
3. the self-control i had in times my children had annoying tantrums at night when i need some sleep
4. having joy in my heart every morning as i watch my children sleeping calmly...contented;
5. making me smile whenever i saw them smile, sometimes giggle while asleep as if there were playing with an angle. That scene giving me energy and making my morning light and my day complete.
6. having a new learning experience as i facilitated the pre-membership seminar yesterday for my four co-employees interested to join our SCEGA Cooperative where I'm one of the board of directors.
7. a new bright day and positive energy.


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